Tuesday, August 1, 2017


No Chance Band - cover art.

19" x 24"



Kind of looks like lightings, and kind of looks like rain.  Kind of looks like a dried creek path and kind of looks like rushing water. It is for certain, a page of blue - so I'll just call it the Rainmaker.

5" x 7"


Thundering water, dancing water, along with the trees.  I started this thinking about how we feed each other by the things we give, or how we 'disrupt' another's path by the things we give (or don't give). Those things can feel like a thunder storm enclosing or a graceful dance ensuing.  Then you look and see the reflection of those things, realizing that you have become your surroundings.  In this umpua-ness situation, it is a beautiful and unintentional symmetry. 

5" x 7"