A state of being pleasantly lost in ones thoughts; a fanciful or impractical idea or theory; an instrumental piece suggesting dreamy or musing state.
I started drawing this piece the weekend Harvey hit, which was also the week after the Solar Eclipse. I was supposed to go home and visit my parents but the trip got cancelled due to the anticipated rain. So Plan B happened - which was really a non plan of wine, musing, and music. Solar Eclipse, Hurricane, Counting Crows and Third Eye Blind. All things outside of the normal repertoire. I think I see a little of all of those things in this so that's my best guess as to where it came from. Convergent and divergent things happening at once - fascinating to a degree, and something else to another degree. I don't quite know what that something else is, but it looks like my pens were trying to zoom in and see. I do know it's a peaceful pattern that merges with a manner that doesn't offend.